Monday, August 1, 2011

Role Models

Who are your role models? We all have them, right? Maybe it's a parent, maybe it's a different family member, maybe it's a teacher, maybe it's a coach or maybe it's somebody from the Bible.

I've always been a huge sports fan and contrary to what Charles Barkley once said...

When I was younger I looked up to players in all sports. I looked at the shoes they wore, the people they would hang out with, the words they would say. I wanted to be famous, but I didn't want to me self-centered!

Growing up, I also looked for the sports stars that were looking to make a positive impact on others and wanted to be the role model that I was looking for. When I was a kid, I had a subscription to this magazine:

I loved this magazine. I loved the stories it had in it and the positive message that it showed to me. It gave me guys I wanted to see succeed (even if it did involve rooting for a Yankee).

As I've gotten older, my role models have changed, but I still search for players that recognize whether they like it or not, they are a role model. I also enjoy hearing from players that see it as a privilege to be playing their particular sport.

Today I watched a video of a young man, that gets it! Kirk Cousins understands that being a team player, that putting others before himself is more important than the fame he could quite possibly have. He's humble in his talk, and calm in his demeanor...and it doesn't hurt that he's a Michigan State Spartan, but no matter who he played for, you gotta admit this guy has his head on straight.

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