religious |riˈlijəs|
believing in and worshiping a superhuman controlling power or powers, esp. a personal God or gods : both men were deeply religious, intelligent, and moralistic.
The word religion or religious has always bothered me. Hearing that word has always not sat well in my stomach when I've heard it spoken especially in question form: "Are you religious?" "What religion do you belong to?" "Have you listened to Bad Religion lately?"
Okay, that last one I've never heard, but I gotta make examples of three right? Anyway, as a professing Christian, I don't like this word defining me. If we look in the Bible the religious people of the time of Jesus were the Pharisees. The Pharisees spent their time making themselves look good, by observing the OT law and making impossible rules for others to live by.
Today when I hear, "Are you religious?" I tend to think people are asking me, "Am I a Pharisee?"
People like to say they are religious. We may say that we attend church on a regular basis, have memory verses memorized, don't listen to the wrong kind of music or watch the wrong kind of movies. Religious people pray before meals...occasionally, when others are looking, wear the right clothes and use the right words.
These things are not necessarily bad things, but I think that becomes where some people's "spiritual" lives end. We can check the "Christian" box on a survey and move on with our lives.
This week a sign went up in Grand Rapids from a group of Atheist that says this,
Quickly after this sign went up, many Christians immediately took offense. "How dare you put this sign up in Grand Rapids, we are a Christian community."
I did some quick research and in 2009 those involved with some kind of religious affiliation in Grand Rapids was at 52.86%. Meaning almost 47% of the population in G.R. is either not affliated with a church (or any other religious group) or did not answer that question (Source:
Believe it or not...the atheist are out there, they are in your neighborhood and mine. Do you feel safe?
I think it's good that this sign is out there. I don't think it's gonna draw anybody in to this organization, but it certainly has people talking. It makes people really consider what they believe. However, I think some people take the wrong approach when they see a sign like this. People see this sign and bark at the people responsible for it saying, "your going to hell!" and "you don't know what you're talking about!", but what good is that really doing?
Exodus 33:11 says, "As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?"
Later on in the gospel of Mark chapter 3, Jesus is confronted by the Pharisees on healing on the Sabbath. Jesus says, "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill." After the Pharisees are silent on the issue, Mark says in verse 5, "he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart."
In other parts of Scripture Jesus continues to urge the Pharisees to change. Notice God and Jesus doesn't avoid these people. He doesn't go hide in a corner or on a computer and blast away at their beliefs, He meets with them, He cares about them and He desires a relationship with them.
Jesus was not about religion. Jesus was about relationships. He was about meeting people where they were at, whether they had it all together or were completely messed up. He didn't look for his buddies that all agreed with Him, He looked for people that needed a Savior, to save them from their screwed up lives.
The question I have is: Are we like that? Do we desire to show people what a relationship with Jesus Christ is like? OR Are we looking to hang out with only people that agree with us and shun anybody that doesn't?
God's not looking for people who are trying to achieve their own agenda, He's looking for people that are looking to uplift his glory.
Are we religious, legalistic, moralistic do-gooders or are we people that want to see others lives changed as well as our own?
Jesus Christ came to this earth "not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:28)
He wasn't concerned with his social status or how He looked...He cared about eternity, He cared about people's souls. So much that He died for them and for us.
Don't be a religious Pharisee! Be a Jesus-centered, others focused Christian!
This post (like all my post) pertains to me just as much (if not more) as it does to anyone else that reads this.