Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Jury Finds The Defendant...

We Americans love a good trial. We love having an eye on the courtroom, assume we know all of the details and believe from the "look-in" that we've been given, that we can give a judgement call. Whether it's the Salem Witch Trials, O.J. Simpson, The NFL lockout or today's Casey Anthony decision...it gets our attention.

In this case of Casey Anthony, the little I saw made me think pretty quickly that this girl is Guilty (with a capital 'G').

I watched the verdict in my office today (along with the rest of the church staff) and was immediately surprised by the outcome. If you didn't see it, here it is:

Right away I shook my head in disbelief. "Where is the justice in this country anyway?" I thought to myself. I wrote it on my Facebook, commented on other people's Facebook and figured I have all the answers for that jury and for Casey Anthony.

Jump ahead a few hours to this evening. I watched a movie with Ryan Hunter and Sarah Watkins called "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee". It was a movie that had a lot to do with the area of South Dakota we will be traveling to in just a few days. Here's the trailer for it:

To give you a short review of it: After the Massacre at Little Big Horn, the white men are out to make sure that the Sioux are put in their place. They want them to be put on the reservation and are willing to pay to make them stay there. Sitting Bull wants nothing to do with it and after giving in a little to the white man, changes his mind and stands up for his people.
As they attempt to take Sitting Bull and the Sioux and put them in their rightful place a war breaks and Sitting Bull and many, many others are killed.

There, now that I've spoiled the movie for ya (but you should know it anyway, it's American history), let me get to my point, but first a few verses:

"For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment, do you think will be deserved by the one who has spurned the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, 'Vengeance is mine; I will repay.' And again, 'The Lord will judge his people.' It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
~Hebrews 10:26-31

Have you ever heard of the term unrepentant sin?

Unrepentant is defined in the dictionary as: "showing no regret for one's wrongdoing."

As I mentioned immediately following the Casey Anthony trial my thought was, just wait 'til she has a date with God on judgement day. Just wait until the ultimate juror can see past all of the lies that apparently this jury hasn't seen past. Oh she's gonna get it!
Then I thought to myself (and I talked with Pastor Jeremy): "Is this the attitude to have?" I mean sure this woman possibly killed her daughter. She possibly deserves the death penalty, but who really am I to judge? From the verses above you see that it's not mine at all. It's a problem between Casey has to figure out. Is she going to recognize this sin (if indeed that's what it was) as a sin and bring it to God or is she going to bare it herself (if indeed she did kill her daughter).
Watching this movie this evening made me think about this a little more. As a white man, I feel awful for what we did to the American Indian (Native American). I look at as someone coming into my house and demanding me to leave it, no questions asked, and if I don't they'll take it anyway. We talk about illegal immigrants coming in and taking all of our jobs and even legal immigrants taking the jobs we once had. But technically aren't we all immigrants (except Native Americans) and haven't we all taken something that wasn't ours to begin with? Where's the justice in that? Have we repented of our sin to America's first people?

Of course I could go on and on with examples of injustices and unrepentant hearts, but let me stop here. We have an opportunity to turn our selfish hearts around. To recognize that Casey Anthony needs a Savior just as much as Josh Cnossen needs a Savior. Watch this video with the words from Isaiah 53:5. When you watch this think about the fact that every time Jesus was whipped, every time they mocked him, every drop of blood, every hammer of the nail was for you and for me and for our sin:

When we don't repent of our sin and decide that our plan is better than God's, we are looking at this death that Jesus had and saying, it doesn't matter, I got a better plan, I can do it alone. We need Jesus, we need someone to take care of the mess we've created, you do, I do and Casey Anthony does. Will you pray with me that Casey will see the need for Jesus and that we will as well!

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