Saturday, June 11, 2011


Have you ever seen things like these on the back of a vehicle? Do you own a vehicle that looks like this one?

When I was in college I made the back of my 1992 Chevy Lumina a walking advertisement (mainly for Christian bands such as Five Iron Frenzy and The Supertones)

Many people have at least one or two bumper stickers in their back window. After buying our [new to us] 2006 Chrysler Town and Country I jokingly told Susan that we definetly have to buy some kind of bumper sticker for our van just so that we can identify it in the plethora of vans that look just like it in places like the Meijer parking lot, church and anywhere else where kid toting parents and old people (that have a van for no particular reason) park.

I've been noticing these bumper stickers lately on vehicles quite a bit. Bumper stickers are a great way to tell who a person is and what they represent. Whether that's a picture of thong sandals for each family member, an explanation of what will happen if the rapture were to occur or Calvin peeing on....well anything, these stickers tell us a story.

In 2 Corinthians 5:11-15, Paul talks about what he wants to represent. He starts the section by saying that the gospel is not about him. Everything points to God and his son Jesus Christ. Paul says, "For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you."

Paul goes on to tell us the thing that he wants to represent. "For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised."
Paul is saying, all that other stuff: the college you want to make sure everybody knows you root for, which candidate is best, the fact that you love your pug or even what state/trail you have visited, all means absolutely nothing compared to Christ.

Jesus is not making sure we make the right decisions on such trivial things as these. He's not concerned with things that won't make an eternal difference. He's not concerned about our good judgement in the temporal things. Paul's concern and God's instruction is that you love God more than any of these things.

I don't think there's anything wrong with having a bumper sticker. I don't think it's a big deal to associate ourselves with different persons, places things or animals (nouns :-)) but as I survey my heart and I encourage you to do the same, let's ask ourselves: Are these the things that are MOST important to us? Are the things we have on the rear of our cars, trucks, vans, buggies controlling us or do we (as Paul says) "no longer live for (our)selves but for him who for (our) sake died and was raised."

We are NOT good. We continually put ourselves before God and before others. There is only one who is good...Jesus and by God's grace He has given us the opportunity to worship him and share his mercy with others. Let's represent Christ to the best of our ability each day!

Note: I'm not saying, put a Jesus fish or cross on your car...let's face it, sometimes doing that hurts our witness more than helps least for me that's the case...thank God we are sinners saved by grace!

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