Monday, April 18, 2011

We've Got To Pray Just To Make It Today

Prayer is one of those things as Christians that we like to talk about, but how much do we actually do it? I mean sure we talk a good game. We say things like "I'll pray for you." or we tell others to pray for us, but do we really expect that to happen or do we actually pray for that person or people. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "pray continually". Am I doing that? Are you doing that? Why not instead of telling someone we will pray for them, we actually take a couple of minutes and lift them up before the Lord? It's really not that hard of a thing to do once you get over (what might be) the uneasiness of asking someone if you can pray for them.
Jesus prays for us in John 17. He prays for protection for the believers, that we may stay away from the evil one. He prays that we might be sanctified through the reading of God's word.
He also prays for our non-believing neighbors that through the message we give them of Him. He prays for unity and "that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." (John 17:22b-23)
Have you prayed for someone today? Have you seen a need in someone and offered to lift them up before the Lord and then forgotten to pray? It is my prayer that my eyes will be more open to the needs of others and to talk to my Father regularly on behalf of others. Will you do the same?


  1. I agree Josh. "I'll be praying for you" seems to be a Christian Mantra, yet do we really do it? I know it's a challenge for me. Thank you for reminding us of what Jesus has called us to do.

  2. Thanks for the post C-noss! God has been pressing this on me for a while.
