Monday, April 18, 2016

Ice Age Trail (Greenbush Segment...the rest of it)

Another beautiful day!  I decided I wanted to finish this segment off which brought me right back to where I first started the IAT back in the fall with Silas.  I saw a little bit of wildlife (birds, chipmunks, squirrels, turkeys) and some people, including a woman who didn't know I was there and started petting a rock and I believe named it "Rocky." 😂. Now I'm going to run back to my car!  

Monday, April 11, 2016

Ice Age Trail (Blue Spring Lake, Blackhawk & Whitewater Lake Segments)

Could not asked for better weather on this marathon of a hike.  I love spring, everything's green and new.  Flushed a few turkey's and saw a few people, but for the most part I was all by my lonesome.  It gave me time to pray and think about my sermon on Sunday and just enjoy breathing the fresh air.  This was my longest hike yet.  So appreciative of my trail angel Dylan Jentink picking me up too!