Friday, December 9, 2016

Ice Age Trail (Janesville to Milton Segment)

Not as nice as the other two segments I hit today, but the old railroad passage was pretty cool.  I parked at Sam's Club in Janesville.  Hopefully my car is still there 😐

Cheesehead Snowman









ice Age Trail (Milton & Storrs Lake

Finally! FINALLY, I made it back out on the IAT. A little chill in the air, but that's to be expected this time of year. The town of Milton is a nice little place. That's one thing I love about all these neat little towns you discover. I met a guy at the beginning of the Storrs Lake Segment (looked like Steve De Jong) who just got done hunting.  I think he thought I was a DNR for a second.  Storrs Lake was nice, it was great to see the fresh ice on Bowers Lake.

Bower Lake



















Thursday, November 10, 2016

What If...?

What if?: what if Hillary would've won and I had to explain the continuation of murdering millions more of unborn babies?  What if I had to explain to my kids that the nice lady on TV was responsible for people being killed in Benghazi?  What if I had to tell my kids, we can't afford t help with college, because of the amount of money mom and dad had to pay for Obamacare?  What if I had to explain to my kids that our president supports the destruction of marriage between one man and one woman?  What if my kids asked why they've been restricted from sharing their faith anywhere, but a church building?  What if...Would I be on the streets protesting?  Would I be crying and calling people names even though all this time I've preached love and acceptance?  I hope not.