I definitely bit off more than I could chew today. The bike ride to where I began this segment (the "narrow bridge" sign on Collegiate Rd.) was pretty tough with a pretty strong north wind. The hike itself was pretty interesting. On Nuclear Rd. I had a stand off with a german shepherd that thankfully was eventually brought away by its owner. The Tisch Mills Segment to the north was very soggy. It gave me a great chance to test out my new hiking boots.
I then went through the small town of Tisch Mills was a nice small town. On my way out of town I walked by a woman that let me know she had a stick. I don't know if she was threatened by me or what.
The second part of the Tisch Mills Segment was nice, but I lost my sunglasses balancing on a downed log over the creek. They should really consider putting a bridge in there.
The rest of the road connector was uneventful although I did spook an older gentleman and met the guy that allowed the East Twin River Segment to happen.